Kelly McGinnis Memorial Foundation Golf Tournament

Roger McGinnis • 11 March 2020

Kelly McGinnis Memorial Foundation Golf Tournament

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Saturday, May 16, 2020 12:01 AM
Check in time: 10:30 AM
Register by: Friday, May 8, 2020
4 years 9 months ago
Event location Enagic Golf Club at East Lake • 2375 Clubhouse Drive, Chula Vista, CA, 91915 US

32.640021, -116.9589883

About this Tournament

Due to the Corona Virus we unfortunately have to cancel this tournament. We are hoping to reschedule later in the year.


May 16th at Enagic Golf Club of Eastlake. 
Our 14th annual golf tournament to raise funds for the high School CTE programs ( formally know as ROP) and Grants for graduating students going on to a trade school or straight into the work field. 

Benefitting Organization: Kelly McGinnis Memorial Foundation
Tournament Website: Golf tournament
Price for Foursome: $700.00
Price for Individual: $175.00
Price to Spectate: $35.00
Additional Details
Start Format: Shotgun Start
Tournament Format: 4 man scramble
Dress Code: Golf Attire
Contests and Awards: Putting, closest to the pin, longest drive and more fun things on the course.
Food and Beverage: Lunch and dinner provided
Fundraising Opportunities: Sponsorship:
Sponsoring a hole is an excellent advertising opportunity and is a great way to support the Memorial Foundation. Includes: hole signage, mention in day of event materials and online at our website! Sponsors may post a larger sign or banner at their hole in lieu of the Memorial Foundation sign.

_____Platinum Sponsorship $1,000 contribution; Includes golf registration for 4 and 20 extra raffle tickets!
_____Gold Sponsorship $750 contribution; Includes golf registration for 2 and 10 extra raffle tickets!
_____Silver Sponsorship $500 contribution; Includes golf registration for 1 and 5 extra raffle tickets!
_____Bronze Sponsorship $250 contribution
_____Tee Sponsorship, $100 contribution per tee
_____Putting Contest Sponsor, (one available) $500
_____Hot Dogs on the Course! Lunch Sponsor, (one available) $400