A Social Network For Golf

Let every golfer in your community know you are hosting a charity golf tournament. Invite everyone from one site.
A 501c3 non-profit social network connecting golfers -to- golf courses -to- local charity golf tournaments
Some years ago sitting in a bar, one of our friends came in and told all of us about a charity golf tournament he just played in. "All of us" being golfers wondered why we weren't invited or why we didn't know about the tournament. We were all fans of the charity and would have gladly played in what sounded like a great tournament.
We came up with a concept to provide to a FREE site where ANY and ALL Charity Golf Tournaments big or small could list their event, and reach ALL GOLFERS within their community no matter what part of the country they reside.
Currently only U.S. golf courses are mapped in our data base. We hope to change that as we grow.
Note to programming- We use a golf course's Geographical location (where the tournament is being held) to notify members within their selected radius preference (in settings) to display upcoming charity golf tournaments to all local network members. An automatic filter of sorts that reaches golfers most likely to participate. The local golfers who live in the event's area.
To view tournaments and contact charity golf tournament organizers who list on site, a membership is not required, nor do you need a membership to share these tournaments to your other social media sites. Our goal is to bring as much attention to these tournaments as possible on the internet in hopes no charity golf tournament will go unnoticed.
A growing new social network for golf that needs your input!
Yes, we are in our starting phases and need the golfing community's help to grow the site. We have programmed the basics of a social network to connect golfers to charity golf tournaments and let golfers tell others their stories from the golf courses they played, comment, have conversations, review, upload photos, form groups, but there is a lot of room for improvement.
Like you, we have seen many attempts at a golf social network in the past few years and they seem to leave out the most important contributor to their programming needs, the golfing community of golfers.
18for4.com and what we have "SO FAR" is just that. This is the beginning and we are looking to program features into this network that you the golfer want and will enjoy using. We don't know everything nor will we ever know everything, but we are willing and here to listen to what you would like to see in a golf social network.
What this site does so far-
- 18for4.com is a free informational social network designed to bring more golfers to every charity golf tournament
- all charity golf tournaments are searchable without a membership, link your websites, sign up sites, and receive messages from golfers who might want to participate in your tournament (members and nonmembers)
- members will see "ALL" charity golf tournaments happening in their community every time they log in
- connect with other golfers- share photos- articles- (video soon)- comment- like- you know, the basic stuff you can do on any other social media platform
- keep your own history of the courses you have played and how you played them- see other golfers history and how they played certain courses- comment and question
- keep a history of the people you played with and the charity golf tournaments you played in
- form groups (private or public)for your golf course clubs, social clubs, and for what ever cause that brings golfers together
As a 501c3 non profit charitable organization
- We are providing this site free of charge to the public for the use of any and all charity golf tournament organizers that use tournaments to raise money for their charities, causes, and community.
- based in San Diego CA, we will be doing our own fundraising events here locally and taking donations to cover costs of hosting, maintaining, and introducing new programming and features to network that will only improve our network
- All donations of funds or products to 18 FOR 4 FOUNDATION, INC. will be recognized as charitable contributions under I.R.S. laws governing 501c3
- excess funds raised beyond programming and hosting needs will be donated back to charities at charity golf tournaments. We hope you will follow us within the network and read our stories from charity golf tournaments.
What we "DO NOT DO"
- POLITICS- Golf is not political and we will discourage current political opinion taking over news feeds of any sort. Under 501c3 laws, 18 FOR 4 FOUNDATION, INC. will not use funds raised or site platform to support any form of politics from any party.
- This is a free nonprofit network- there are no fees or dues for the use of site
- We do not sell or provide email lists or user data to anyone
- We do not provide credit card processing services or sign up services
- Beyond what you see within network, we at 18for4 do not provide other services
- If anyone contacts saying they are a part of 18for4 who is trying to solicit payments for any service associated with site should be reported to site administrator and please share within the network so others know.
A Social Network For Golf
Let every golfer in your community know you are hosting a charity golf tournament. Invite everyone from one site.
A 501c3 non-profit social network connecting golfers -to- golf courses -to- local charity golf tournaments
Some years ago sitting in a bar, one of our friends came in and told all of us about a charity golf tournament he just played in. "All of us" being golfers wondered why we weren't invited or why we didn't know about the tournament. We were all fans of the charity and would have gladly played in what sounded like a great tournament.
We came up with a concept to provide to a FREE site where ANY and ALL Charity Golf Tournaments big or small could list their event, and reach ALL GOLFERS within their community no matter what part of the country they reside.
Currently only U.S. golf courses are mapped in our data base. We hope to change that as we grow.
Note to programming- We use a golf course's Geographical location (where the tournament is being held) to notify members within their selected radius preference (in settings) to display upcoming charity golf tournaments to all local network members. An automatic filter of sorts that reaches golfers most likely to participate. The local golfers who live in the event's area.
To view tournaments and contact charity golf tournament organizers who list on site, a membership is not required, nor do you need a membership to share these tournaments to your other social media sites. Our goal is to bring as much attention to these tournaments as possible on the internet in hopes no charity golf tournament will go unnoticed.
A growing new social network for golf that needs your input!
Yes, we are in our starting phases and need the golfing community's help to grow the site. We have programmed the basics of a social network to connect golfers to charity golf tournaments and let golfers tell others their stories from the golf courses they played, comment, have conversations, review, upload photos, form groups, but there is a lot of room for improvement.
Like you, we have seen many attempts at a golf social network in the past few years and they seem to leave out the most important contributor to their programming needs, the golfing community of golfers.
18for4.com and what we have "SO FAR" is just that. This is the beginning and we are looking to program features into this network that you the golfer want and will enjoy using. We don't know everything nor will we ever know everything, but we are willing and here to listen to what you would like to see in a golf social network.
What this site does so far-
As a 501c3 non profit charitable organization
What we "DO NOT DO"